How an average looking woman can easily meet men.


You can start off by realizing that you’re average because you think that you’re average. I’ve known plenty of females who were average in looks and exceptional in attractiveness. I’ve taught 140 college classes in my life, so I’ve encountered lots of examples.
The first thing that you need to do is get in shapes. Healthy females are attractive females. Your energy will be higher and this will project out to those around you. Joining a gym is a good idea because you can meet a lot of different people there, some of whom will be men, and some will be women who know other men. Change your diet so that keeping weigh off is not a problem, and you are eating healthy food.
Dress nicely, without being overly sexy, and at the same time make sure to do your makeup exquisitely. Not too much, not too little, but baby bear which means just right.
Find social activities to get involved with. Meetups, clubs, bars, and church groups are some of the places that you can meet new people depending what fits your personality. You can also take a class from the local college, or learn a martial art, or take a yoga or art class. There are plenty of possibilities to explore.
With the internet, you can find out about all kinds of way to address the issues of getting in shape, doing your makeup. getting healthy, and being social.
You can simply and easily become more than “average”, but it’s up to you totally and sincerely start doing it now.

Easy ways to be a good-looking and attractive guy.

Let me start off by saying that some guy are more physically attractive from birth, but you can always improve what you were born with.
The first thing is to get in shape. Join a gym, walk, run, and do other exercise routines. Change your diet to one that works for you. There’s a lot out there from vegetarian to paleo. You’ll effortlessly lose or gain weigh with a diet that is right for your body.
Next you need to project confidence. Martial arts, qi gong, and yoga can help you with this.
You also need to take a hint from peacocks and package yourself well with nice clothes, good shoes, clean fingernails, and well-groomed hair.You also need to have good conversational skills. There are a myriad of video out there on this subject.There are other things like musical ability and having lots of money that add to the attraction equation.

Figure out what you have and what can do, and then do it.

The Novel ‘Twilight’ Just Ain’t Right.

One of the worst novels that made a fortune is Twilight. Every bit of the novel stands out as awful and not just one line. I was teaching a linguistics class to a bunch of mainly female English majors when I first encountered the fascination with this novel. The English majors would often comment about how poor the writing was and yet they were fascinated by the story. Huh. It’s a novel about a “vampire”, Edward, who has ice-cold skin and sneaks into the Bella’s room at night to watch her sleep because he never does sleep. (I asked my students if it was creepy if a man snuck into your room to watch you sleep, and half if them said it was not if he was hot.) He is a “vegetarian” vampire because he rips the heads off chickens and drinks their blood instead of killing human victims and drinking their blood like so many of his fellow vampires. The vampires in the novel are different from what one would suspect since sunlight doesn’t kill them but only makes their skin sparkle, so they live in cloudy areas like Forks, WA so people won’t notice. Yea, right.
The female character of the story is a woman with issues. She obsesses on Edward for page after page. I finally realized that my students liked the novel because they could vicariously experience the emotion swings of a seriously disturbed female without having to go there in real life. Romance with many dark twists. I mean, does the word necrophilia come to mind when you want to make love to an ice-cold body?
And guess what? The Quileute Indians are not at all like what she wrote. I lived for two years on the Makah Indian Reservation, which is about 15 mile north of Forks. I substitute taught at the public school there, and one of my students, Daquil, was a Quileute. He never did turn into a wolf, though he did invite me to smoke marijuana on the beach with him after class. And I never did see people with sparkling skin while the sun was out when I was shopping in Forks.
The entire Twilight saga is indeed awful for more than the reasons listed above. But still, there’s no accounting for taste, on lack of it.

Chapter 5 Attack on the Mansion

Chapter 5
Attack on the Mansion

Even though Adam knew that it could be a while until he saw Talissa again, he had a new confidence in himself and found that he was somehow calm in spite of his strong desire to see her everyday. He fantasized about her a lot, but he knew from talking to Fred and Erik that he had a strong crush on her, and the only way to deal with it was to find other things to focus on, and fortunately he had his work and his hobbies. He had written down what he had thought he had heard Talissa say on the phone in the car, but all he could recall was some sequences of sounds. He was going to ask her about the her about the language again when he saw her next, and he hoped it would be soon.

A few days after the date, Adam was working in the mansion’s front yard, when he heard a motor buzzing above his head. He looked up and saw a spherical object with a spinning rotor blade on top hovering above the mansion grounds. Then he noticed that there were several of them. They seemed to waver in his vision like the sight of a distant object on a very hot day. He was momentarily fascinated by the sight of these objects and wondered what they were.

Suddenly, three large pod like objects swept down from the sky and landed in front of the mansion scraping into the turf. The pods opened quickly at the top, and strange creatures emerged onto the lawn in front of the mansion. The creatures moved like cats but were semi-insectoid in appearance. They had four tube-like legs with three joints from the lower torso, and 4 tube-like arms from the upper thorax. The creatures had a head on a long neck that merged into a vertical thorax which narrowed into an equally long vertical abdominal torso. The skin of the creatures was multicolored semi-circular to rectangular plates of about one to three inches that merged into the adjacent plates. The color of the plates were mainly red and yellow on the upper body and were more blue and green on the lower torso.
Adam saw that each one was carrying a silver tube of about 3 feet long held in their four hands. These proved to be some type of energy weapon. The front ends, which were pointed towards the mansion, wavered slightly with a soft popping sound. There was no visible light but flaming holes exploded in the mansion wall where they were pointed. Several holes about 5 feet in diameter were inflicted within a few seconds. Adam stood motionless watching the spectacle unfold before him. His heart was pounding, yet he did not feel fear. He was transfixed with fascination for he had always been interested in military history and science fiction. And now something especially unique was occurring right in front of him. He was detached and numb to reality as he watch the scene occurring before him.

Two figures, whom Adam recognized as Prospère and his son, quickly appeared in different windows on the second floor of the mansion and let off four fast single shots from some type of projectile weapon. The bodies of the three creatures exploded into body parts and a sticky red ooze that peppered the lawn around them. A claw-like hand with four fingers and two thumbs flew right past Adam’s face. When this happened, Adam suddenly came back to reality. This really just happened, he thought. Then he felt fear, not for himself but for Talissa. He began running for the mansion’s front door when heard a loud rumble from behind the mansion and saw a large bright light of rainbow colors shoot into the sky and disappear in seconds.

Adam ran up the stair to the front door. He pulled on the handle and it was open. He ran into the foyer and yelled Talissa’s name. Silence answered him back. He had never been beyond the front living room area before, but he was frantic about Talissa. Upstairs in one of the bedrooms, he found Talissa’s cell phone lying on the floor by the bed. He picked it up and put it in his pocket, and kept looking through the other rooms. He found another cell-phone like Talissa’s but bigger and of a different color. He put that one in his other pocket. May he could figure out what had happen and where they had gone from information on the cell phones.

Adam continued wondering through the mansion. Everything was silent inside. He wondered onto the back second floor patio and noticed the gazebo area on the lawn below it was missing. There was only fresh wet dirt there in a large circular pattern. He was having a difficult time processing in his mind the event that he had just experienced. “No matter,” he thought to himself, “I’ll figure it out later.” And he then decided to explore the abandoned mansion further.

Most of the mansion was well kept rooms and living areas. There was a kitchen, a gym with all kinds of equipment, and a library with books written in scripts that he did not recognize. What did this all mean? Strangely enough, he thought about having to get a new job, which made him feel sad since this was by far the best job he had ever had. Then the feelings of sadness extended to thoughts about Talissa. What had happened to her and her family? Who were they really? And where did they just go? Would he ever see her again? As the swirling confusion of thoughts tumbled through his mind, he came across an open door with stairs leading downwards.

He walked down the stairs into a basement area. There was a large room with archways leading to other rooms and hallways with more rooms. There were no window but soft light radiated from the ceiling in each area that he entered, though he could see no fixtures indicating the source of the light. The walls were all made out of what seemed to be perfectly cut and symmetrical bricks made of some kind of dense stone. There was one room that he recognized as an armory. There was pistol and rifle like equipment on shelves and along the walls. He picked up a pistol that he suspected was some type of energy weapon since it had no visible place for inserting projectiles. He kept it in his hand as security against the unknown as he continued to roam as a stranger through this strange land.

The were several rooms that contained mechanical devices that he suspected were robots, thought nothing he saw looked humanoid. “Do androids dream with electric sleep?” he though to himself as he looked around at some of the robots. Then he heard a clip-clap walking sound out in the hallway. He carefully glanced out and even put his finger on the trigger of the weapon he was holding just in case. There were four spherical robots with articulating limbs extending symmetrically from the bodies moving down the hallway. Adam moved back into the room and, his body shaking, aimed his weapon at the doorway until he heard the robots had passed. Then there was total silence again.
Adam explored further into the basement until he came to a room with about one inch long rectangular ingots of metal neatly arranged on shelves and tables. He saw that they were golden and silver in color, and he was pretty sure that the golden ones were indeed gold. He found a carrying case and put as many of the gold ingots and a few of the silver ones as he could carry into the case to take with him. Who needs a job when you’ve got a room full of gold and precious metals? He didn’t feel like a thief since he knew deep down that Prospère and his family were not coming back and he had just been through a very unique experience. So he knew that it was time to look out for himself until he could figure out what was going on.

He intended to come back, but for now he needed to talk to Fred and Erik, so he made his way back to the front door of the mansion. The door was still open and he could hear some sounds out in the front of the mansion. He glanced out and saw that the robots he had seen walking through the basement hallway were repairing the damage that the aliens had done. He moved back inside the mansion and found a side door to get outside. He walked back to his car tensely, holding the pistol ready in his hand. Then he got in his car a left the mansion grounds with the booty he had discovered.

Loving Ourselves




One of the main reasons that we have difficulty loving ourselves is because we keep comparing ourselves to an illusory perfection which we think that we see in other people. An illusory perfection which is subconsciously imposed in our mind by our culture and social groups. I once had a student who was about 6’4” tall. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and looked like a model. He attended school full-time with an A average, plus he worked and made about $10,000 a month. There is no way that I would be able to try hard enough to be like him. He was not taller than me, better looking than me, smarter than me, and more energetic than me, because he tried harder. He was born that way, and his environment made him that way. It was as easy for him to do what he did, just as it is easy for most people to sit around, read a book or watch a movie, and socialize with their friends. If we keep kicking ourselves for not being perfect, then we’re going to hurt where we kick ourselves, but it’s not going to make us any more “perfect.” So remember that you are already spiritually whole, complete, and perfect. May you be blessed.


The Components of Humor


There are easily delineated components of humor that are relevant to making a joke and making people laugh. I’ve taught 140 college classes in the areas of Linguistics, English Composition for both American and international students, as well as Medical Terminology. Many students have commented to me about how I can make such seemingly dry subjects funny and interesting. When I was a graduate student at SUNY at Buffalo, the Linguistics Department gave me a class to teach every semester including the summer semesters for 6 years, and many of the classes were in lecture halls with over 100 students. This was because they were getting half their undergraduate majors from my classes. And this was because of the continual playful humor that I insert into a given subject for the moment. While there may be a formula that can be observed, the humorous behavior is determined and directed by the subconscious mind. It is context dependent and cannot be determined by a conscious attempt to be funny. When I was at KU one summer, I lived in the dorm. For dinner, about 20 other residents would sit at my table because I was so funny. Once another person tried to be funny, but no one was laughing because the delivery was wrong.


If you were to tell me, “Be funny!” I might say something like, “I can’t because God didn’t give me your face,” but it would not be funny unless the energy was right. If Eeyore, Piglet, or Winnie the Pooh tried to deliver such a line, it would never be funny because their energy would not be correct to cause feelings of humor, but if Tigger said it, it would be funny.


What is funny is not determined by the words alone, but by the feelings of humor that are evoked. And such feelings are subtly conjured by a combination of voice intonation, timing, facial expression and body articulation which accompany the words. All of these elements, in addition to context, are essential for the successful delivery of a humorous comment. If a comment or word does not feel funny, if you don’t feel it first, then it’s not going to be funny, no matter what words you use.


Love and Vampires, Twilight


Twilight…. Why do so many women love Twilight; the books and then the movies? Let’s look at the particulars. It’s a story about an obviously messed up girl. Emotionally, she’s as stable as a snow-packed mountain peak during an earthquake. She falls in love with a vampire named Edward. His skin is ice cold and he has no heartbeat. Yea, there’s a couple of characteristics that will really turn on, oh let’s say, someone into necrophilia. Add to that the fact that her love interest only drinks animal blood, so she can’t enjoy a meal with him at a fine restaurant or even McDonald’s. And then there’s this thing that he does since he never sleeps. He sneaks into her room to watch her sleep. All of this is more than a bit creepy, don’t you think?
So why do so many women love Twilight? It’s the emotional roller-coaster ride that women allow themselves to experience while reading the novels. The novels often have page after page of Bella’s internal dialogue about her feelings for Edward. The female reader, from the safety and security of her bed, can experience vicariously the emotional up and downs of a very messed up girl, secure in the knowledge that they are much better than her. They find it emotionally satisfying to feel Bella’s experience without the danger of being so stupid themselves in real life.

Tranquilly Transcendent Thanksgiving


The Fourth Chapter of My Novel, Starlight

Stormy Day
Adam was eager to see Talissa again, but he knew that he just had to wait until she contacted him. He thought that everything had gone right with the date, but he did not see or hear from Talissa for the entire week. He did his work and he did it well but his thoughts were totally on her. He wondered what she saw in him. He wondered when he would see her next. He wondered about everything that he knew, or thought that he knew, about her. He was quite aware of his obsession with her, and that made him feel uncomfortable. For the last few days his confidence had been collapsing on him. He felt unsure about why she had failed to get in touch with him for what seemed to him to be a long time. Was she tired of him? Was there someone else? These were the most basic possibilities that sprang to mind. His thoughts kept elaborating with new possibilities and each was as draining to his confidence as the one before.

Saturday morning Talissa texted Adam. Her phone message was a little light in the darkness but there would be no security until he knew what was going on. She was three minutes late. There were clouds in the sky and a cold wind was starting to blow. It looked like rain. Her car pulled up. He got in, she shifted into gear and headed toward the countryside.

“I’m so happy to see you,” she smiled, but it was not a happy smile. “I sorry that I couldn’t come by earlier but something’s come up.”


“I feel that my mother may be suspicious of something.”

Adam felt a sinking feeling like his world just might be ready to crumble.

“Of me?”

“No. She wouldn’t know about you specifically. She just suspects that I might be associating with commoners.”

“That’s against the rules?”

“Sort of. I mean I’m only supposed to associate with my own class of people. She’s afraid that I might be attracted to the wrong type of person. And she might be right.”

“And I’m the wrong type of person?”

“Of course.”

“So you don’t want to see me anymore?”

“I want to see you. God knows I think about you a lot.” Her face softened into a far away and slightly sad look. “But we may have to wait around for a while things cool off.”

Talissa felt an almost unfamiliar feeling swell up into her heart. Adam made her feel good, like she was a person, and not a princess that was on display for the status of her family. She had unthinkingly lived her life as expected, until Duke Zharkombi had forced her family from power. The last couple of years had been difficult and given her time to think. In one way, she really did not know who she was as a person, but talking to Adam made her feel that the emotions and feelings that she kept hidden deep inside were fine. He did not judge her every move, and his responses to her were always positive no matter what she said or did. Adam made her feel good, very good, even wonderful. And while she could feel the love that her parents had for her, they were always watching her every move, to make sure that she acted like she was supposed to. The last few years, this behavior had become a very oppressive feeling in her heart. And what did it matter here anyway? There was nobody of true status here except her family.

Talissa drove the Jaguar up to Parker’s Overlook and parked. There was silence as they looked out the window at the gathering storm. Shafts of lightning crackled in the distance. The sky was overcast and grey. Thunder rumbled against the earth. Rain drops began peppering lightly against the windshield.

“I told Mom that I was going to the hobby store to get more art supplies. This will gives us a little time to be together before I have to go back.”

A giant lightening strike bolted down nearby, and the thunder loudened. Drops of rain quickly became splats of rain against the windshield. The sky became dark like a deepening twilight, as the rain and thunder danced rapidly more and more. Three lightening strikes came down left to right in rapid succession out beyond the front of the car. Then a dazzling cascade of lighting broke out across the sky in front of them.

“Wow!” said Talissa with a delighted expression, “I never been out in a storm like this. I think I’ll call my Mom at tell her that I’m going to be a bit late getting home.”

She pulled out her cell phone. Adam observed that it didn’t look like any cell phone that he had seen before. A rich man’s gear, he thought to himself. It looked like an oblong, hand sized piece of soft, light pink marble. Talissa whispered something like ‘bezg’ and the phone screen lit up. She put it to her face and began speaking. It was that other language of hers, because it certainly wasn’t French.

Adam listened carefully to the words that she said. He wanted to remember as much as her conversation as he could. He was good at other languages, and he could distinguish sounds that were mere gibberish to other people. He thought that he wasn’t as good as Sir Richard Burton, the British explorer of the 19th Century, who reportedly spoke about 40 languages, but he could still often remember entire phrases after only one exposure.

He listened to her conversation with her mother, with a relaxed focus. He would write down what he remembered later and see what he could figure out. Erik had told him about most females’ fascination with mystery, so he was going to solve one mystery in his mind as much as he could with this information.

The conversation ended and Talissa looked deep into Adam’s eyes. She looked at him and felt a softness that she had never felt before. Talissa felt her mind spinning a swirling like the growing storm outside the window. She could feel the growing emotions swelling through her body, and blossoming desire unfurl in her mind. She felt that she could no longer resist her fantasy since it was now a reality right in front of her. All she could do was surrender to the experience. She moved close to Adam, very close.

“I may not get to touch my treasure for a long time,” she kissed him lightly on the lips, “so I want to pay you some special attention while I have the chance.” She kissed him again.

A surprise rush of emotion rush through Adam’s mind and body, a swirling combination of hot and sweet. His heart felt secure, and he returned the kisses with the passion that flowed from a part of him that he never before knew existed. There was spontaneous innocence in their kisses as dark clouds spread thunder and flashed lighting across the sky. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her and she wanted nothing more than to be with him for the moment. She wanted to experience the moment completely with him, without thinking about who she was or what she should be doing.

The sky had grown dark and Adam saw the lighting reflected in Talissa’s eyes. Their hands together, fingers intertwined, they leaned back in the seats. Another brilliant cascade of lightning illuminated the clouds. The truth was on their tongues. They intertwined together in a deep embrace and kissed many times. They gazed wordlessly into each other’s eyes in the dim light of the storm. She did not want to be apart from him, nor he from her. The rain began falling more intensely. The rain drops made a rhythm like a classical orchestra against the hood of the car. The rainfall turned quickly into a torrent. Thunder pounded and lighting danced.

The stroking of the rain awakened a feeling of delicious delight in Talissa’s body that she never experienced before. Feeling of coziness, comfort, excitement, and pleasure flooded her very core, deep inside, where her real self was waiting to come out, as the surging of rain flooded the sky. Time disappeared and there was only the gratification of ineffable now.

Then there was a lull. Then rain lessened more and more to a drizzle of comfort. The sky lightened and both Adam and Talissa shared the feeling of floating like wafts of cotton on a gentle warming breeze.

She sighed and started to cry. He held her in my arms. “I didn’t mean to feel such strong emotions for you.” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

“I really, really like you too,” he replied and his heart leapt for joy to tell her so.

Talissa looked out at the sky and said, “We have to get back now.”

The journey back to his place was somehow languorous, and very few words were spoken as they relaxed together into the moment. They talked about anything other than their blossoming and difficult relationship. Fortunately the traffic was sparse in deference to the rainstorm. When they reached Adams neighborhood, the sun broke through the clouds. They both knew what they wanted and could feel that it was the same. She stopped the car in front of his apartment building. They kissed and kissed for a very long until they both knew that it was time to part and anticipate the next time that they would be together..

A bientôt.” His eyes spoke gentle sadness as there were no more words to say.

A bientôt,” she said and he got out of the car.

He closed the door and she looked at him through the windshield as she pulled away. It began to rain again. He stood there motionless, watching until her car’s rear lights disappeared into the fog of night.
