Love and Vampires, Twilight


Twilight…. Why do so many women love Twilight; the books and then the movies? Let’s look at the particulars. It’s a story about an obviously messed up girl. Emotionally, she’s as stable as a snow-packed mountain peak during an earthquake. She falls in love with a vampire named Edward. His skin is ice cold and he has no heartbeat. Yea, there’s a couple of characteristics that will really turn on, oh let’s say, someone into necrophilia. Add to that the fact that her love interest only drinks animal blood, so she can’t enjoy a meal with him at a fine restaurant or even McDonald’s. And then there’s this thing that he does since he never sleeps. He sneaks into her room to watch her sleep. All of this is more than a bit creepy, don’t you think?
So why do so many women love Twilight? It’s the emotional roller-coaster ride that women allow themselves to experience while reading the novels. The novels often have page after page of Bella’s internal dialogue about her feelings for Edward. The female reader, from the safety and security of her bed, can experience vicariously the emotional up and downs of a very messed up girl, secure in the knowledge that they are much better than her. They find it emotionally satisfying to feel Bella’s experience without the danger of being so stupid themselves in real life.